Butin Meir Iolevich (1945-)

Butin Meir Iolevich (24.11.1945, Riga) - driver. From 1960 to 1962, he worked as a car mechanic at motor transport office No.34 in Riga. From 1962 to 1963, he worked as a turner at the Riga Turbomechanical Plant. From 1964 to 1966, he worked as a driver for Riga Motor Transport Office No.2. From 1966 to 1973, he taught at the Combine School in Riga. From 1966 to 1973, Butin was a teacher at the Training Centre of the Ministry of Transport and Road Construction. He graduated from the Latvian Academy of Agriculture by correspondence in 1972.

In 1973, Butin left Latvia together with his family.

А. Norman

Butina (Tager) Berta (1945-) - wife
Butina Geula (1972-) - daughter
Tager Shaul-Nathan (1920-?) - brother of his wife's father
Feldman Inna (1947-) - first wife
Butin Yoel (1918-1969) - father
Butin (Levstein) Saretha (1921-?) - mother
Butin Benjamin (1947-) - brother